This holiday wasn't well spent, I gota say. Yes, a tiiiiiiiiny bit of regret indeed, I felt. But, oh well, at least I finally baked, after promising my family for sooooo long~ :B I made cranberry muffins, vanilla almond cupcakes, vanilla jam cupcakes, chocolate chip cupcakes and vanilla raisins cupcakes. Not bad for first baking attempt waddd~ x)
Also, I was diagnosed with first stage drama addiction. The condition got worst whenever a series finished. That's cz while following a series, those characters took up so much of your time that it felt as if they're already part of your life~ So when it ended, the emptiness felt will make you feel lost and very uneasy. To overcome this mind-torturing emptiness, your mind will tell you to start a new series. And this is how the addiction goes on, making you crave for more and more until one day, you find yourself never satisfied. YES PEOPLE, THIS IS HOW DANGEROUS THIS ADDICTION IS. DRAMA = DRUG. PLEASE TAKE NOTE.
After city hunter ended (quite lousily, honestly speaking ><), I felt really soul-less, and the hunger for more came attacking again. That night, it was 2am already, way past bedtime. But I was struggling so hard over the emptiness, I decided to watch another series, and I chose Kdrama <Personal Taste> where the main actor is the oh-so-hot Lee Min Ho. His charm boosted up way over maximum hotness when I found out that his character is an architect in this series. Giahhhhhhh~~ I wish to meet an architect as hot as him in the future *v* So all anticipated, I felt happy again (drama thirst fulfilled). Howeverrrrr, THANK GOD the female lead was soooooooooo awful (sorry, no offense). She was so not up to Lee Min Ho standard that she literally made me loose interest in this drama right after ep1. And the whole plot is just too predictable, no fun. So after ep1, that's it, not gona watch ep2.
Surprisingly, this was the cure for my addiction! So I came to a conclusion that my mind works this way : Whenever drama thirst strikes, I'll start a new series. If the series suck, my mind will not only reject that series, but will also loose enthusiasm towards drama. I will then feel very tired and will give up on finding another drama worth following. Thus, TADA, no more drama thirst, addiction cured~ :D
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I was so emo after city hunter ended so I went and straighten my hair. Happy again :) |
What I've just mentioned above might sound like exaggerated bull crap, but it's really what I went through. So do take it as a friendly reminder :) 偶像剧让你分不清现实与虚拟。This was my friend's advise. When I snapped out and regained my "consciousness", this really made sense.
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