Thursday, May 3, 2012

Completed :)

Upon completion, components of the model were scattered around different layers. Thus, things are tidied up simply by organizing every component into their specific layer.

Also the Cad plan is removed. So here it is, the final product :)

Interior components.
The ramp.

Actually, 3D max ain't that bad~ Although I did had some struggles throughout but overall I kinda enjoyed. The process was like an emotion roller coaster ride. At times when I couldn't do what I want, I felt really really sad, down, nervous, sometimes even freak out, complaining about how un-user friendly 3D max is. But when the solution is found(much thanks to Mr.Google), the happiness instantlyyyy, seriously instantly made me forget alllll the previous frustration~ and kept me motivated~ :D

Can't wait for project 2 & 3 where more discoveries will be made. Till then~ :)

Work in Process 2.0

A lil update on my progression >>>

<Bridge> tool to connect the wall and create openings.
Used <Boolean> tool to create skylights.
Interior view looking above the skylights.
Copying the beams
 Sadly a problem occured while cloning the beam. It doesn't allow me to key in the number of copies as usual, so I had to paste them one by one. Thank God there's SNAP ~~ :)

Beams are done.

Little bit more to go, pls bare with me 3D max~~ :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Work in process

To start off, I've first done the plan drawing using AutoCad.

Next, I imported the cad file into 3D max.

After that, I began drawing. Here's a series of my progression.

Extruded the walls, beams, etc.

Did the staircase.

 How I did the stairs : Draw a step, copy <instance>,snap the edge of the step properly, then key in the number of copies.)

staircase done

Creating the ramp.

 I extruded the ramp to the right thickness, then modified it with <edit spline>, and move the vertex to the correct height.

Same method goes to the balustrade, but this time I used <edit poly>

So this is my current progression. So far so good i guess?

Ok, back to work. NEVER SAY NEVER! :)

Langen Foundation

Name          : Langen Foundation
Architect     : Tadao Ando
Function      : Art Museum
Description :  A masterpiece composed of lines and a fascinating interplay between inside and outside, art and nature, massiveness and lightness. It is a constructed place that is not only an envelope for art but also exhibits itself.


Gona do a 3D model of it using 3D max. Wish me luck ! :)